In addition to my extensive experience in the world of Sportsbook and Sports Betting SEO I have also been involved with numerous other forms of Gambling SEO and eGaming SEO in the Online Poker and Online Casino verticals.

As time permits I will elaborate on my roles both in the marketing and business aspects of these projects. For now please feel free to check the following sources for my work related experience:

LinkedIn Profile

My Profile on

Sportsbook SEO Overview

For regular daily updates to my involvement within the world of Gambling SEO, Internet Marketing and business you can also Follow Me On Twitter or Contact Me Directly.

I follow the eGaming industry from the following perspectives:

  1. Legalities and Licensing.
  2. Individual vertical performance (ie Sports, Casino, Poker and Horse Racing).
  3. Marketing and Main Stream Acquisition.
  4. Internet Marketing Tactics, Techniques and Strategies.