Building Great Links

By Dan Nedelko

March 13, 2009

Last Updated on December 14, 2022 by Dan Nedelko

<p>Link Building is always a topic of conversation for anyone in the world of Internet Marketing People who push only organic SEO tend to be quite focused on the overall process of building masses of links with target anchor text on sites which may pass link juice<p> <p>Personally thats a narrow minded point of view that really limits your overall link building goals The reality of the situation is that links drive traffic reputation new visitors and potentially new customers A well thought out online promotional program will assist you in your organic SEO link building efforts But you need to have a holistic view of link building<p> <p>We build links to achieve a number of goals<p> <ol> <li>Promote the site We produce great content and we want the world to know about it<li> <li>Highlight other sites we think are great We do this by commenting on articles we love participating in discussions<li> <li>We are promoting a contest or promotion based around a product This could be considered link baiting but its also showing people how creative and fun we might When I was Director of Internet Marketing for BetUS we had alot of fun with this <a href=httpwwwseomozorgbloggenuis marketing from the gang at betus target= blank rel=noopener noreferrer>great link bait program<a> it was flattering that Rand Fishkin from <a class=zem slink title=SEOMoz rel=homepage href=httpseomozorg>SEOMoz<a> thought it was genius marketing We had fun doing it and it was very successful<li> <li>We are building links to increase our search rankings When I was at Bodog we <a href=httpwwwlyriscomclientscase studiesriptowncom case study target= blank rel=noopener noreferrer>built links for SEO specifically<a> but tracked it with Clicktracks and optimized from there times were very different but it was and is an effective tactic it certainly worked there <a href=httpwwwlyriscomclientscase studiesriptowncom case study target= blank rel=noopener noreferrer>Check out the case study on Lyris<a><li> <li>We are participating in a community such as StumbleUpon <a class=zem slink title=Facebook rel=homepage href=httpfacebookcom>Facebook<a> and <a class=zem slink title=Twitter rel=homepage href=httptwittercom>Twitter<a> This isnt for the purpose of building links directly Its promoting our product service or just talking to people We generate content talk to people and they shockingly enough they may link to us directly but thats not the initial goal we dont whack people over the head<li> <ol> <p>I just finished watching Rand Fishkins Whiteboard Friday on the same subject I strongly suggest you check it out<p> <p>vimeohttpvimeocom3609778vimeo<p> <p>What other link building tactics do you use now Let me know what you think of my take on link building awesomeness Have a great Friday the 13th<p> <p>Cheers<p> <p><img class=alignleft size full wp image 94 src=httpsdannedelkocomwp contentblogsdir1files200903dan nedelko signature bloggif alt=Dan Nedelko width=85 height=92 ><p> <div class=zemanta pixie style=margin top 10pxheight 15px><a class=zemanta pixie a title=Zemified by Zemanta href=httpreblogzemantacomzemified60eb2b03 b285 45ab 8516 f418d5a67eaa><img class=zemanta pixie img style=border medium nonefloat right src=httpimgzemantacomreblog epngx id=60eb2b03 b285 45ab 8516 f418d5a67eaa alt=Reblog this post with Zemanta ><a><span class=zem script more related><span><div>

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of

  • A really great post here. I assume there’s a chance to post more about related theme here. Really great. Thank you.

    • Thanks a million, I am going to be posting regularly in this series. Probably about once a week, hope to see you here often.

  • Good read … headline catchy … good points, some of which I have learned along the way as well (humility, grace, layoff the controversial stuff). Will share with my colleagues at work as we begin blogging from a corporate perspective.


  • Excellent post. I like these posts most of all, practical information that all bloggers can use.

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