A Direct Reply to Chris Morlock

By Dan Nedelko

July 9, 2012

Last Updated on July 9, 2012 by Dan Nedelko

<p>As I was getting settled into a busy Monday morning or work I was informed of a post by Chris Morlock contact and references <a href=httpwwwpdgacomplayer stats60004>Chris Morlock on the PDGA<a> <a href=httpwwwdiscgolfscenecomprofile18699>Chris Morlock on DiscGolfScene<a> <a href=httpswwwfacebookcomchrismorlock980>Chris Morlock on Facebook<a> on Facebook of all places where I am not personally connected to him therefore cannot see or respond to his inquiries regarding transparency and questions regarding the Dušan<em> <em>Nedelko Foundation Which we have been running since my brothers untimely passing <p> <p>I was a taken off guard by the comment I could see since we have <a href=httpdusansfoundationorg>httpdusansfoundationorg<a> and I am always extremely easy to contact directly It therefore does confuse me to see comments made to which I cannot respond to personally or on behalf of the Foundation <p> <p>As this is my personal blog I think it is most appropriate to post my email response which I sent directly to MrMorlock This hopefully ensures complete transparency if you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to contact me at <a href=mailtodandannedelkocom>dandannedelkocom<a><p> <p>Thanks to everyone who has so generously supported our efforts to both continue my brothers efforts and to enable our youth through outdoor activity and education I would also add that it is interesting to see such behaviour in response to a genuine effort on the part of many people to support our youth<p> <p>Best<p> <p>Dan Nedelko<p> <p style=padding left 30px>Hello Chris<p> <p style=padding left 30px>I was brought to my attention today regarding your questions about the raising and allocation of funds with respect to the Dusan Nedelko Foundation As I do not have access to your Facebook wall I have included a brief snippet as is viewable from my perspective<p> <p style=padding left 30px><em>The Dušan Nedelko Foundation<em><em> <em><p> <p style=padding left 30px><em>I have a question or two I keep seeing the fundraising we all do for this group and I do understand that it pushed on the disc golf community because of Dusan and his passion for helping kids learn the sport My first question is where are the tournaments or gatherings to teach these youngsters that should be set up or at least funded by the foundation We donatSee More<em><p> <p style=padding left 30px><em><a href=httpswwwfacebookcomajaxsharers=22appid=25554907596p5B05D=615040449p5B15D=10151083576005450>Share<a><em><p> <ul style=padding left 30px> <li style=padding left 30px><em> <a href=httpswwwfacebookcomchrismorlock980><strong>Chris Morlock<strong><a> Sandra thats a whole other topic Whats wrong with open questionsWhy the fear and the need for secret discretion Dan is on Facebook and so is his mamma so they can jump in anytime Call it a blog then<a href=httpswwwfacebookcomchrismorlock980posts10151083576005450comment id=24222926offset=0total comments=9>7 minutes ago<a><em><li> <ul> <table style=padding left 30px cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0> <tbody style=padding left 30px> <tr style=padding left 30px> <td style=padding left 30px valign=top> <p style=padding left 30px><em> <em><p> <td> <td style=padding left 30px valign=middle> <ul style=padding left 30px> <li style=padding left 30px><em><strong><strong><a href=httpswwwfacebookcomhelenheynen><strong>Helen Heynen<strong><a> I do believe this page belongs to Chris hence he is able to post what he wishes If you dont like it dont comment Consider this personal page as ones living room You wouldnt stroll into ones house and question their feng shui wouSee More<a href=httpswwwfacebookcomchrismorlock980posts10151083576005450comment id=24222974offset=0total comments=9>2 minutes ago<a><em><em> <em><li> <ul> <td> <tr> <tbody> <table> <p style=padding left 30px>I would direct you to the attached document <strong>Editorial addition the document is available online at <a href=httpdusansfoundationorgyouth 2financial awards summary updatehtml>httpdusansfoundationorgyouth 2financial awards summary updatehtml<a> <strong>which we are about to post on <a href=httpdusansfoundationorgnews>our blog<a> and also as a newsletter to supporters of the Foundation There are some misconceptions in what I can see from your public comments<p> <ul style=padding left 30px> <li style=padding left 30px>The Dušan Nedelko Foundation is a foundation and as such we do not directly manage or run events We do so in support of and with our partners<li> <li style=padding left 30px>You somehow implied that there is an air of secrecy surrounding the Dušan Nedelko Foundation Nothing could be further from the truth I would direct you to the following information pages <a href=httpdusansfoundationorgdusans foundation>httpdusansfoundationorgdusans foundation<a> and <a href=httpdusansfoundationorgour mission>httpdusansfoundationorgour mission<a> <li> <li style=padding left 30px>We are a registered Not For Profit Foundation we also seek open applications for determining disbursements of funds at the Spring and Winter solctice <li> <li style=padding left 30px>Additionally we provide for emergency funding up to $500<li> <li style=padding left 30px>Transparency is a core of our mission and we have distributed a summary of all disbursements at every event in which we are involved The printed material is also available and I would be happy to mail them to you directly if you wish<li> <li style=padding left 30px>We devote a significant amount of our personal time as a board of directors and supporters of these efforts We are always very open to discussion and would appreciate direct questions rather than forums in public venues which we do not have the ability to respond to none of us are connected on Facebook and as such cannot see the full questions and have no ability to repond<li> <li style=padding left 30px>You may be confused by the Foundation mission We are not directly routing all funds to disc golf efforts The disc golf community has been a massive supporter of our mission which to summarize is<li> <ul> <p style=padding left 30px><strong>Core Values and Culture<strong><p> <ul style=padding left 30px> <li style=padding left 30px><strong>We contribute Dušan Nedelko Foundation resources both financial and human to help deliver redefining outdoor experiences for under served or at risk children within Ontario<strong><li> <li style=padding left 30px><strong>We are passionate about helping children develop life and leadership skill sets through outdoor activity a strong sense of accomplishment and harmony with nature in order to engender a power of one confidence that will guide future life choices and ongoing connection and stewardship of the environment<strong><li> <li style=padding left 30px><strong>We display fairness honesty responsibility diversity generosity and foster mutual trust and care in our dealings with our local communities volunteers business partners and beneficiaries of our efforts<strong><li> <li style=padding left 30px><strong>We are guided by mutual respect enthusiasm and shared creativity to support projects that provide positive life lasting outdoor experiences that build fun teamwork environmental stewardship and empowerment among participants<strong><li> <li style=padding left 30px><strong>We deal with others as we would want them to deal with us<strong><li> <ul> <p style=padding left 30px>I would suggest that if you have any direct questions comments concerns or input that you are always welcome to contact us directly at<p> <p style=padding left 30px><a href=mailtoshoutdusansfoundaitonorg>shoutdusansfoundationorg<a> or to me directly at <a href=mailtodandusansfoundationorg>dandusansfoundationorg<a><p> <p style=padding left 30px>I thank you for your questions and look forward to hearing back from you <p> <p style=padding left 30px>Best Regards<p> <p style=padding left 30px>Dan Nedelko<p> <p style=padding left 30px>Chairman<p> <p style=padding left 30px>The Dušan Nedelko Foundation<p>

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Dan Nedelko
Dan Nedelko is human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Media // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of Honeypot Marketinghttp://hny.pt, Jacohmi, and Genuine Media & Development.

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of http://hny.pt

  • Dan – you are fully supported by so many 🙂
    Dusan would be mighty proud of all of you involved with the Foundation. youdonevenknow… but you do. I hope you do.

    The lives of many are being changed for the better because of the time & effort you all are putting into this foundation.

    So keep doing all the great work you are doing.
    {insert applause here}


    • Thank you so much Lindsay, everyone (and I really sincerely mean everyone) that has supported the Foundation is a part of our collective work. So {insert applause here for everyone!} 😀

      I’ll personally never stop. Promise.

      • Dan, I have one personal question for you)) What is the origin of your last name? Something from eastern Europe? Or am I mistaken?

        • Hey William – sorry I didn’t see/respond earlier. It is indeed Eastern European, Slovak specifically. 🙂

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