Dušan’s Dare

By Dan Nedelko

July 21, 2011

Last Updated on December 1, 2011 by Dan Nedelko

<p><span class=Apple style span style=line height 16px color 000000 font family arial sans serif font size small><em style=font style normal>Dušan youdoneven know how much of an impact you had while you were hanging out down here with us mere mortals <em><span><span class=Apple style span style=line height 16px color 000000 font family arial sans serif font size small><em style=font style normal><br > <em><span><br > <span class=Apple style span style=line height 16px color 000000 font family arial sans serif font size small><em style=font style normal>Can you believe this Too much awesome <em><span><p> <p><em>Background theres a challenge course almost ready for the kids at <a href=httpwwwruskokacomStaffDirectortabid121Defaultaspx target= blank>Camp Ruskoka<a> Ruskoka is a camp for new Canadian arrivals and underpriviledged children to learn leadership mentorship and life skills its a great place full of amazing people doing great stuff Counsellor training starts this week and the kids will be using it soon<em><p> <p><em>Not enough words to thank you all for your support<em><p>

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Dan Nedelko
Dan Nedelko is human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Media // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of Honeypot Marketinghttp://hny.pt, Jacohmi, and Genuine Media & Development.

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of http://hny.pt

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