You need an email marketing plan.

By Dan Nedelko

June 28, 2011


Email marketing is still a very important part of your communications and marketing mix regardless of your start-up size. Creating a strong email marketing program doesn't need to be expensive, it does however take time, effort and thought.

Last Updated on August 14, 2019 by Dan Nedelko

<img class=alignleft style=margin 5px 10px 5px 10px title=The Startup Drive src=httpsdannedelkocominfopodcast banner 150jpg alt=The Startup Drive width=150 height=150 > <h1>The Start up Drive Ep2 Email marketing still matters<h1> Start ups small businesses medium sized and companies of any size will benefit from a strategic plan for email marketing if you heard yesterdays podcast then youll get that one Here are a few ideas for making sure that youre not discounting the powerful and low cost addition to get your communications consistent and relevant Any additional thoughts tips or experiences for those just getting an email program put in place

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of

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