Lowering High CPA Rates : The Marketing Drive ep 9

By Dan Nedelko

May 26, 2016

Last Updated on November 25, 2023 by Dan Nedelko

You hear it every day My CPAs are too high

Managing paid marketing budgets is challenging technical psychological and ever evolving When dealing with client budgets its important to understand the following

  1. The CPA is only as low as it needs to be to target the proper end consumer and no lower
  2. Introducing your final offer the purchase via paid marketing channels will always result in high CPA levels and low conversion rates
  3. Introducing the notion of the Cost Per Lead CPL will vastly reduce your spend increase your conversions and build an addressable audience that will be primed for your final offer
  4. Explaining this process to clients is the single most important thing you can do to run a cost effective paid media program that will sustain itself for the long term

Thats the Marketing Drive for May 26th please drop your comments below and feel free to get a hold me anytime on Twitter at dannomatic or with the entire team honeypot mkting

You hear it all too often when managing Paid Media and PPC spends My CPA is way too high we need low CPA rates

In todays Marketing Drive were talking about CPA levels what they mean how lower CPA levels and introduce the almighty CPL metric into your marketing conversion funnel

Lets talk marketing on the drive to the httphoneypotmarketingcom offices

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In todays episode Im talking about sticking to a Marketing Playbook executing on point in an agile manner and a little bit about what Im going to be talking about in the Drive every day

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Dan Nedelko
Dan Nedelko is human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Media // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of Honeypot Marketinghttp://hny.pt, Jacohmi, and Genuine Media & Development.

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of http://hny.pt

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