Last Updated on December 14, 2022 by Dan Nedelko
<p>Yahoo is being Bing ified What is your strategy<p> <blockquote id=zemblockquote class=zemanta reblog quote cite=httphoneypotmarketingcomseoto bing or not to binghtml><p>Sometime next year <a href=httpwwwmicrosoftcom>Microsoft<a> will fulfill a planned integration to power <a href=httpwwwyahoocom>Yahoo<a>s search results with Microsofts Bing Engine The move will effectively consolidate 28 of the US search market giving both companies a platform upon which to seriously battle <a href=httpgooglecom>Google<a><span class=attribution zemanta reblog cite style=padding 1em 0pttext align rightwidth 100>honeypotmarketingcom <a href=httphoneypotmarketingcomseoto bing or not to binghtml>To Bing or Not To Bing<a> Aug 2009<span><p><blockquote> <p>You should read the whole article over at <a href=httphoneypotmarketingcomseoto bing or not to binghtml target= blank rel=noopener>Honeypot Marketing<a><p> <div class=zemanta pixie style=margin top 10pxheight 15px><a class=zemanta pixie a title=Reblog this post with Zemanta href=httpreblogzemantacomzemifiede42d91ee 62b8 4b41 b854 c5c54d11d6d5><img class=zemanta pixie img style=border medium nonefloat right src=httpimgzemantacomreblog epngx id=e42d91ee 62b8 4b41 b854 c5c54d11d6d5 alt=Reblog this post with Zemanta ><a><div>