Online Casino Games for British Columbia

By Dan Nedelko

August 24, 2009

Last Updated on December 1, 2011 by Dan Nedelko

<div class=zemanta img zemanta action dragged style=floatleftmargin 1em> <div> <dl> <dt><a href=httpcommonswikipediaorgwikiImageAntiguaShoreline2jpg><img src=httpuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthumb555AntiguaShoreline2jpg300px AntiguaShoreline2jpg alt=View of the rocky shoreline in Antigua width=188 height=125 ><a><dt> <dd><a href=httpcommonswikipediaorgwikiImageAntiguaShoreline2jpg><br > <a><dd> <dl> <div> <div> <p>This is an interesting new development Looks like the Province of British Columbia will be providing a legal online casino and online gambling website for residents of the province<p> <p>The BCLC British Columbia Lottery Corporation is guessing that their online casino offering could generate $100 Million in revenue by 2014<p> <p>Having been involved in online gambling from a marketing side for about 7 years this is definitely an interesting development Offshore casinos have roadblock after roadblock in dealing with North American facing customers Everything from where to advertise to how to pay out the customers is an issue<p> <p>Check out this quote from BCLC CEO Michael Graydon<p> <p>Rather than it all going offshore to places like Antigua theres an opportunity to keep it here in British Columbia corporation CEO Michael Graydon told CBC News<p> <p>I was Web Manager at bodogcom whose marketing arm was known as Riptown Media at the time and created their Internet Marketing department back in the day when I started there were 70 some employees at Riptown Media when I finished there were over 500 that is a direct reference to Bodog as Bodogcom is now being run to some degree out of the tropical island of Antigua<p> <p>Some of British Columbias changes are<p> <ol> <li>Allowing online casino gaming at <a href=httpsplaynowbclccom target= blank>httpsplaynowbclccom<a><li> <li>Daily betting limit of $10000 per day from $120 per day<li> <li>A 24 hour cooling off period for customers who lose too much money<li> <ol> <p>This is a huge step forward for legalized online gambling in Canada and ultimately in the US which is a good thing overall I know Ive been chomping at the bit to actually be to market online casino and online gambling products in the same way other products are marketed<p> <p>Its time to legalize online gambling already<p> <p>Check out the source article<p> <p><a href=httpcanewsyahoocomscbc090821canadacanada britishcolumbia bc lottery corporation casino games target= blank>BCLC introduces legal and authorized online casino gaming<a><p> <p>Related articles<p> <ul class=zemanta article ul> <li class=zemanta article ul li><a href=httprzemantacomu=http3Awwwcbccacanadabritish columbiastory20090821bc lottery corporation casino gameshtml3Fref3Drssa=7113113rid=41c20fb2 4646 4c16 8c8e 7eb9f7b5919fe=e780c25e1d57063858839ff3d2742c2d>BCs online casino plan draws criticism<a> cbcca<li> <li class=zemanta article ul li><a href=httprzemantacomu=http3Awwwcbccacanadabritish columbiastory20090818bc online gambling limitshtmla=7033804rid=41c20fb2 4646 4c16 8c8e 7eb9f7b5919fe=bf749a54fbc0015e32d293af70f7fb52>BC raises stakes for online gamblers<a> cbcca<li> <li class=zemanta article ul li><a href=httptechdirtcomarticles200905082243564799shtml>Minnesota Sued Over Online Gambling Ban While Frank Again Introduces Bill To Legalize It<a> techdirtcom<li> <ul> <div class=zemanta pixie style=margin top 10pxheight 15px><a class=zemanta pixie a title=Reblog this post with Zemanta href=httpreblogzemantacomzemified41c20fb2 4646 4c16 8c8e 7eb9f7b5919f><img class=zemanta pixie img style=border medium nonefloat right src=httpimgzemantacomreblog epngx id=41c20fb2 4646 4c16 8c8e 7eb9f7b5919f alt=Reblog this post with Zemanta ><a><div>

Dan Nedelko

About Dan Nedelko

A human being spinning around on this big blue marble with the rest of you, interested in Digital Marketing // Music // Art // Family // Business // Founder of

  • It’s about time. I have been waiting for new like this for some time. Even better that it involves BC!

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